Diversity - определение. Что такое Diversity
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Что (кто) такое Diversity - определение

Diversify; Diversity program; Diversity programs; Diversity (disambiguation); Diverse

The diversity of something is the fact that it contains many very different elements.
...the cultural diversity of British society.
= variety
N-VAR: usu with supp
A diversity of things is a range of things which are very different from each other.
His object is to gather as great a diversity of material as possible.
N-SING: N of n
·noun Variegation.
II. Diversity ·noun A state of difference; dissimilitude; unlikeness.
III. Diversity ·noun Multiplicity of difference; multiformity; variety.
[d??'v?:s?ti, d?-]
¦ noun (plural diversities) the state of being diverse.
?a diverse range; a variety: a diversity of views.



Diversity, diversify, or diverse may refer to:

Примеры произношения для Diversity
1. diversity, race diversity, size diversity, we really
Broadway's Groundhog Day _ Talks at Google
2. beyond gender diversity, diversity
New Rules of The Game _ Susan Packard _ Talks at Google
3. diversity.
That's What She Said _ Joanne Lipman _ Talks at Google
4. Diversity.
Adam Liaw _ Food Journey _ Talks at Google
5. diversity.
High-Performing Organizations Science _ Richard Karlgaard _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Diversity
1. Respect, diversity and the problem of ensuring respect for diversity cropped up frequently.
2. It‘s been the diversity in standards, not the diversity in structures, that‘s been our problem.
3. In their diversity, and because of their diversity, American evangelicals can be unpredictable.
4. The diversity of subjects typifies the diversity of the Jewish food experience.
5. The switch to this color diversity in rocks, after having highlighted such diversity in fruits has a profound effect.